This is how the signage should read whenever Christians consider a mountain moving expedition in their lives. The moment we choose to live by faith rather than accept the path handed to us there is going to be seemingly impossible situations ahead. It takes work, sometimes really hard labor, intensive efforts have to be endured. It’s not an effortless free ride.

Unfortunately, for many people, their attempts at mountain moving came with no instructions to help prepare them for the journey they were about to embark on. They most likely didn’t know they were probably defeated before starting. At least this is the reality for most people.

We fail because we do not know how to live in radical faith and trust in God to do what we have never seen done before. Our lack is never to be the focus; it is the call of God to go to new heights and new places that propel us forward. It’s the need to live the mission Jesus gave to us to make disciples who reproduce to make more disciples from one generation to another.

The temptations along the way are extensive and are only overcome by the words and practices of our Lord and Savior, as we strive to move the mountains in our lives by faith in Him. It is easy to quit, camp out, take another route, give in, whatever the temptation may be. God is looking for those who are willing to go beyond and become mountain movers who live by faith in Him.

So mountain movers … let’s go forward with our eyes open and hearts full.

While the following is not an exhaustive list or theological exploration of mountain moving in a Christian's life, it is a practical conversation and a place to start. Here are some things to consider when attempting your hand at mountain moving.

  • Mountain moving often starts alone. - God opens your eyes to a need or a problem. He speaks to you and then through you to others. When you start you most likely will be going forward on your own. Others do not understand at the beginning and struggle to support or join you in the pursuit. It doesn’t stay that way; you just start out alone. You share the vision, however small it might seem, and wait for God to give you those who are willing to go with you.

  • Mountain moving is costly. - Jesus said we need to consider the cost of building a tower before we start ,and the same might be true of moving mountains in your life. Unfortunately, we don’t always know the exact cost of major paradigm shifts in life until we lean into them. The cost may well be laying down one’s life. It rarely ever costs less than expected, so anticipate it will take more. Be prepared for whatever "more" might end up looking like. Do your best, and God will take care of the rest.

  • Mountain moving generally happens one shovel full at a time. - We tend to always think in broad strokes once faith starts to lead the way, and it is probably a good thing or we would never take those initial steps. However, when it comes to moving those mountains, you are going to find there are very few “poof” moments where the mountains just move in wholesale. Mostly you grab a shovel (be it a hand device or a machine) and start the process one scoop after another.

  • Mountain moving takes a long time. You need to be prepared for the long haul. - How do you plan the timetable of something you have never done before? A good rule of thumb is that faith-thinking always is faster and shorter than real-time thinking. Understand, going into the journey, that you are in it for the distance no matter how long it takes to get there. There are no shortcuts; enjoy the steps that carry you to the end goal.

  • Mountain moving has moments of exponential development with points of impossible standstill, and you have to navigate both. - The truth is you rarely get one without the other somewhere along the way. Enjoy the points where things go faster than expected and miracles happen along the way. Be wise enough to understand this is the exception and not the norm. At the same time, don’t be discouraged and quit when the standstill comes, and it seems like you will never be able to advance. The pause is part of the journey and can give God opportunity to show who He really is.

  • Mountain moving requires more than you. - It is true, mountain moving goes way better when you do it together with someone else. Do you remember what happens when two people agree in the Bible? Yeah, it works. We will soon find out that this mountain-moving faith life you launched out into requires way more than just me, myself, and I. It takes other people believing with you and willing to go to work to see it accomplished.

  • Mountain moving is worth the effort, pain, and frustration you gave removing them. - Everyone who follows you benefits from what has been accomplished, and the experience of seeing this become reality is unbelievably satisfying. Whatever those difficult moments are in a life of faith, seeing the dream become reality is worth getting each scar along the way. A dream finding fulfillment is one of the treasures in life that only those who are courageous enough to live by faith and move mountains will experience.

When we look out into the future, the next several years ahead of us could possibly demand mountain movers who have a more realistic picture of what it means to live by faith. Hopefully some of these practical suggestions will help you navigate the terrain ahead of you. At the very least, it might assist you in removing the rose colored glasses of a fairy tale and allow you to think about a life of faith and the task of mountain moving from a different vantage point.

Go for it; we have … and it has been worth the cost to live this way. Move some mountains!